Monday, July 12, 2010

Confessions of an Obese Lady, Part 1 of ???

OMG, let me start with my daughter is trying to kill me! And I truly love her for it! Today made the second "serious" walk that I have done in a long, long while. By the time we got home my legs were like rubber and burned so bad I didn't think I would even make it to my beloved sofa. We went yesterday, Saturday for the first time. My sweet daughter woke me up and dragged my butt out of bed at 7:30 in the morning! I was quite content to start with about a half mile, but my daughter had other ideas. She pushed me along, gently, with loving encouragement---"Come on can go farther...faster... no you ARE NOT stopping here...quit being a baby...OMG just do it...MOM...see told ya so...!" 

We went about 2 miles. I survived, though how I am not sure. I had to make little goals along the entire route--OK, get to that tree get to the end of that corn row... get to the mail is the irrigation arm...three more steps...oh, my beloved sofa. We had planned on going again this morning, but my dear husband surprised us with french toast. My mind and my body were both quite elated when my daughter announced she was going to fore go our morning walk. Thank goodness! But low and behold, once it cooled down in the evening she was nagging me again.  Reluctantly, I put on my shoes, got the dog's collar and begrudgingly plodded down the road....  But I did it!!!

Now, let me back up a bit here.  A little background might be helpful.  I am a 48 years old, perimenopausal woman who is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weigh ...(I can't believe I am doing this)... 223 pounds as of July 9, 2010.  Oh, and on top of all that I am a physical therapist, so I should know better.  Wow, a picture of health, I think not.  To my credit though, last year at this time I was 256 or so pounds--the heaviest I have ever been.  And discouragingly, I have put on 5 pounds in the last 8 weeks.  My excuse is that I had surgery and was on restricted activity.  But that's just a partial truth...The rest of the story is I started drinking sweet tea and soda again and indulging in Lays potato chips.  Oh, OK and sneaking chocolate cake batter as I lovingly make dessert for my family.  Wow, got that one off my chest.   Now if I can just actually pour all the batter into the pan and NOT lick the bowl clean.

Anyway, one day, when I was gazing at the Lady in the Mirror trying to figure out yet again who she is, I caught a glimpse of my not so petite body.  It was scary when I took a long hard look.  My goodness when did this happen!?  The hell with when, HOW did this happen!?!  And I have no real answers, not yet anyway.  There was a day when I was thin, not skinny-skinny like the girls are today, but healthily thin, in the 120-130 range.  I was athletic, active and ate pretty darn well by today's standards.  Then things started to change, life started to change, I started to change. 

Next post: Excuses and ???

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