Saturday, August 28, 2010

Gone But Not Forgotten....AKA Balancing Act

OK, so I have been gone for a while, but I hope not forgotten.  Am desperately trying to balance my new lifestyle of exercise in with my home, leisure and work life.  And is it ever tough!   Today after work and after the gym and after the laundry, dinner and dishes, I caught up on some of the blogs I follow.  One of my favorites is The Tippy Toe Diet.  The author, Cammy, is quite motivational and apparently on her way to becoming famous (couldn't resist Cammy!)  for her success at losing a ton of weight and motivating others to get on the path to better health and fitness.  Anyway her post from August 26th was on Motivation to Move.  She asked her readers what motivated them and I posted my comment on her page.  But when I re-read it I realized it was hearty enough for a blog post of my own.  So I stole my own comment bac kand re-posted it here  (with spelling errors correct--I think lol):

I’m laughing at myself right now as I think back to the not so many weeks ago when my daughter drug me out for a walk–I hated it, but I did it, and the next day and the next….hating every single step, forcing myself to to go on with teensy-tiny goals. Get to the mail box, now that crack in the road….OMG I have to get back home… But I had to do it, I had to get healthier and lose some fluff. Than I found a gym…again, forcing myself to go…proving to my husband that IT WAS NOT as passing fancy as in the past. Now, 6-8 weeks later am a total exercise junkie! Like you, if I don’t go I get incredibly irritable–just ask my family.

Not sure what motivated me other than the absolute need to get healthier and fit and a very pushy daughter! I had become a sloth from almost 9 months of unemployment to another 3 months off for surgery just after returning to work . Everything was hard!  Just getting to the bathroom. Now, I have to work on NOT OVER DOING! Am trying diligently to find balance in getting my workouts in now that I am back to work almost full time and not over doing…

I don’t know people, the thought of exercising horrified me before…way too much effort. Now, I love it, gotta have it!! Cammy’s inspiration and words of encouragement have helped too. Good to have some outside support that’s not too close to home! I close with one of my daily motivators:

No one saves us but ourselves.
No one can and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the path.

And walk I do!!!  And lift and started jogging!!!!


  1. Oh, thank you for your kind words! You made me blush!:)

    It's amazing how our bodies/minds resist the exercise for a bit, and then we move on to feeling like we won't DIE from it, and at some point, critical mass occurs and suddenly we can't live without it! I never expected that!

  2. Yeah, me either. As a youth and young adult I was active..but never "felt" the "I have to do this" feeling I have now. Is weird. Maybe because it was just a normal routine thing then and my body didn't know what it was missing???
    All this has just given me a lot of new perspective for myself and to apply to my work!

  3.'s so hard to find that balance in life. Sounds like you're in a new job or working situation? That can certainly add to stress. I hope you're able to press on! Following you from Blog Frog! ~Kimberly
