My brother-in-law posed a question on Facebook tonight... "If working out is addictive... why is it always so easy to quit?"
Well, physiologically speaking, exercise causes the body to release a variety of hormones which are endorphins. Endorphins have the same base molecular structure of morphine which we all know is highly addictive and causes one to have a sense of less stress, pain and that oh so good feeling of euphoria.
Now, chocolate contains cannabinoids and phenylethylamines which cause the same effect as amphetamines (very addicting) and causes the body to also release the wonderful pleasure producing chemicals dopamine and serotonin also giving us the feeling of euphoria.
With that said...which is easier....exercise or eating a Hershey Chocolate Bar!?
Your thoughts????
Nice food for thought@ I always thought of exercise as being habit forming rather than addictive because like your brother in law says it is easy to quit. But chocolate bars are really yummy and doesn't require a lot of effort to get.