Friday, August 10, 2012


One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low.
~~Thomas Fuller

Have you ever gone to the movies, been really, really excited from all the hype and reviews only to walk away utterly disappointed?  That’s sort of how the first week of my new plan went.  Not quite up to the expectations that I thought. Don’t get me wrong, I am still very excited and committed. I just expected a different outcome.  Especially considering how hard I worked this week!  It was a tough week with lots of new adjustments. 

I returned to the gym!  YAY me!  I gave it my all! I pushed through the burn, the gasping for breath, the feeling that my heart would explode and the after workout rubber legs!  I even managed to conquer the obstacles that stood in my way of getting to the gym—the heat, the locked door as my pass key would not work, the fear of pain returning to my back.  None of that stopped me!  I logged 300 minutes of strenuous activity my first week back.

My nutrition was right on.  Well, maybe not right on, was told I need to increase my calorie intake a bit, up the protein and eat MORE veggies (ugh). But it was good in that I ate only healthy items.  I forged my way past what the family chose to eat.  I managed to consume breakfast and lunch 5 out of the 7 days. I got 80 oz of water in everyday!  And most importantly didn't feel deprived or have the urge to splurge.

I kept a positive attitude ALL week. Diverted the negative talk and complaining.  I did well all week!

I was excitedly anxious as I went to see the doctor today for my first follow up visit since we made our health plan.  I climbed on that scale, my smile faded and my heart sunk like a ton of bricks!  With shoulders slumped I trudged down the hallway no longer eager to meet with my doctor. The thoughts that flew through my head made me dizzy!  I was frustrated and dishearten.  I just wanted to turn around and run away.  He was going to be upset with me.  He told me firmly that he would help me if I was willing to put forth the effort.  I did! I did!  But he’s not going to believe me and I'm going to be on my own again.

He walked in the room with his nose buried in my chart, jumped on the computer and compared notes, he looked at my journal.  He hemmed and hawed as I sat there defeated.  Then slowly he looked up and a grin covered his face and his eyes sparkled with approval.  Said I did great, 2.5 pounds gone.  I looked at him still puzzle, 2.5 pounds humph, I was expecting like 5 pounds at least after all I worked so hard! 

We talked about how my week went and what I was doing well, where I needed to make some improvements and about my frustration and disappointment.  I soon grew to understand that while expectations can motivate us they can also defeat us.  So what I need to do, what I will do, is follow the plan we developed with the only expectation being by doing so I will achieve my goal.

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