Saturday, July 31, 2010


OK, I promised I would post today, so guess I better get it in gear! I have been busy trying to get into the new routine of daily exercise and healthy food choices among all the other things life brings my way. The past few days have been great, until last night. Wham! Those lovely hormones hit me like a sledge hammer! All I can say is where’s the klenex and stay the *&%# away form me! Yep, I am putting hormones on my list of things to avoid! They are also going on my list of things to conquer.

This brings me to my thoughts about sabotage. There are so many things in our lives that get in the way of us succeeding; it’s sometimes hard to believe we can accomplish anything at all some days. And for me, it seems lately that, all my energy is either going into exercising or fighting the obstacles that are endlessly trying to trip me up. Just like those darn pop-up boxes on the computer when you stumble onto a bad website you have to deal with each and every one of them before you can move on.

So here are some of the bumps (aka mountains) and crevasses that threaten to sabotage my success and how I am dealing with them.

First and foremost is that nagging voice inside my head. The one that tells me that I’m not going to succeed might as well eat the Lays chips, or that no one will know if I only do 9 reps instead of 10… You know that little voice that seems to never shut up. Well, I’m on my way to permanently silencing that little negative imp! I have been changing my mind set. Instead of giving in I am fighting back. I’m turning that negative self talk off. When I hear myself being negative I am saying, OUT LOUD mind you, STOP! I take a breath and put a twist on it and turn it into a positive statement. For example, instead of saying, “OMG I’ve got three minutes left, I’m never gonna make it,” I say, “Wow, I’ve already done 7 minutes, just a few more left, yippee!” It’s making a big difference!

Then there’s the well intentioned friends and family. The one’s, who with all their heart, really do care about you, but they say things like, don’t you think you’re over doing it, or I made it (some yummy high caloric food) just for you. Or, wait, here are two of my favorites: “Haven’t you tried this before and it didn’t go so well?” and the big one—“How long you gonna try doing this (as they roll their eyes) this time?” Well, I’ve told them that I am listening to my body and that my body is telling me it is happy with the new routine. I thank them for their forbidden treat and explain to them that while I appreciate their effort in pleasing me, that I am on a journey to improve my health and that’s not on the itinerary. And lastly as far as the big two—I get a bit cynical, roll my eyes right back at them and tell them that I am doing this for a lifetime and they're welcome to join me anytime!

The pain! The delayed onset muscle pain of exercise that is plaguing me this very moment and that threatens to thwart me in the future obstacle. Let me tell you, that one talks LOUD AND CLEAR! But, I have been taking a deep breath (and lots of hot baths) and working through it. I am finding the more I move the less I hurt!

And lastly for you ladies out there…the hormone thing. I just keep telling myself “…and this to shall pass!” That along with klenex and a small handful of semisweet dark chocolate chips savored one at a time has worked pretty well.

It all comes down to negotiating the booby-traps. And in the end when it comes full circle all we can do is make the best choice at any given moment and own up to those decisions.


1 comment:

  1. That negative self-talk is the most dangerous at all. It's especially tough during hormonal attacks, but you are proving that it doesn't have to be fatal.

    I do that "Stop it!" thing too. In fact, I just had to do it a couple hours ago. :)
